Monday, February 27, 2012

Cancer Fundraiser Model Search


Lets Kick Cancers Butt

Model Search

Spring is right around the corner, and Steinman Photography is kicking into gear putting together their 2013 Lets Kick Cancers Butt Calendars. SP is looking for fresh faces, 18-35 years of age. Those selected will be in the 2013 calendars, and will receive digital copies of their photo sessions. The plan is for two calendars, one motorcycle calendar, and one car/truck calendar, as well as the possibility of posters. All will be sold with 90% of the profits going into a fund to help cancer patients.

To enter send an email to with LKCB model search as the subject. Include your name, age, city and state, one head shot, and one full body photo. These need not be professional pictures, good clear snapshots will do fine. Make sure to include your email and phone number.

Motorcycles, cars, and trucks are also needed. Send email to above address with bike, car, or truck as subject. Please include name, email, phone, and location.

Sponsors also needed… If you are a business owner and interested in helping sponsor the calendars, send enquiries to the above address with Sponsor as the subject. Include contact name, email, phone number and best time to call.

**Photos shown are for reference only and are not part of the calendars or shot by Steinman Photography**

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