Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cancer Fundraiser Photo Shoot #2

Friday, July 13th, 2012... We pushed our luck, shooting for the calendar on this day, but it paid off better then we could have dreamed. Lima Harley Davidson opened their doors and bikes to us, and William and Jess volunteered their time to top the rides beautifully. A big thanks to all of you.

Now here are a couple images from the shoot. Be sure to find us on face book to see more.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Pro-Street Camaro

Last Saturday we took a small road trip down to Indian Lake Ohio for the annual "Party on the Beach" (A 4th of July Celebration). Eventhough I grew up at Indian Lake, and had been watching the fireworks for most of my childhood, it was only three years ago that Betty and I started going to the Celebration. Every year there is a car show, so we got in touch with the right people, and set it up for us to shoot for the "Let's Kick Cancers Butt" calendars. There were plenty of beautiful rides to choose from, and I would love to show you all of them, but I can't ruin it for the calendar now can I. But here is one of the cars that I am sure will grace the glossy pages of the cancer fundraiser for 2013. A sweet Pro - Street Camaro... This car has BAD written all over it.

We also had a chance to photograph a nice V- Star which will grace the pages of the Motorcycle version of the Calendar in 2013, along with our two beautiful new models, Kristi and Brooke. Both of which didn't arrive in time for the cars, which we shot first thing in the morning.

Friday, July 6, 2012

57 Chevrolet

We found this beautiful ride parked in Kenton at Brim's Imports. Could not help myself but to stop and take some pics.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Portrait at Sunset

We had been at the beach most of the day, taking a snap shot here and there. But, when the sun started to set, the lighting was so wonderful I could not resist taking a couple portraits of my lovely wife and photog-partner.

How I got this image.

The main light for this shot was the sun, which as you can see was behind her just to the right. I used the on-camera flash set to 3/4 for the fill light. The camera: Canon T2i with f/5.0, shutter speed 1/200, and an ISO of 200. I used a 75 - 300mm lens set at 100mm.